Highlights, Insights and Sound Bites from ARMOR

An update from ARMOR CEO, Dave Yancho:

At Armor Protective Packaging®, we remain strong in our promise to provide only those products that meet our criteria of clean and safe for the people that use them, for the facilities that house them, and for the environment.  We know that the number of companies touting that they are “green” or “eco-friendly” has exploded.  We also know that terms like “green” and “sustainable” were a focus of ARMOR’s rust prevention and rust removal product line long before they were trendy.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Waste Management Hierarchy ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment.  Topping the list as the #1 recommendation and preferred option is source reduction/waste prevention — avoiding the creation of waste in the first place.  At its core, ARMOR’s rust prevention and rust removal products do just that – they prevent the “waste” of scrapping or disposing of corroded metal parts and they prevent the unnecessary use of the raw materials and natural resources required to manufacture new.

Recently, we launched the “ARMOR 6 Rs of Sustainability.” It is a written declaration of our intent, as a company, to make the best decisions that we can to support and uphold the ARMOR commitment to provide customers with clean, safe and effective rust prevention/rust removal products to replace oils, acids and other harsh chemicals.  In addition, whenever possible, ARMOR products contain renewable and recyclable materials and are recyclable and repulpable after use.

Hold the applause, because I am not trying to say that ARMOR has it all figured out. What I am saying is that we will continue to make decisions using the ARMOR philosophy that if it’s good for people and it’s good for the environment, then it’s just a good way to do business.  To learn more about the “ARMOR 6 Rs of Sustainability,” our newest brochure ARMOR CARES ABOUT BEING GREEN covers it and more.